Virtual Cable and OVHcloud form an alliance to promote secure, open, and competitive cloud-based digital workplace solutions

by | Jun 3, 2024

The agreement between Virtual Cable and OVHcloud reinforces both companies' commitment to innovation and sustainability. Together, they offer customizable and digital workplace solutions with high performance, competitive predictable pricing, and maximum security, compliant with the highest sovereignty requirements in Europe.
Logos de Virtual Cable y OVHcloud sobre una imagen de servidores en un centro de datos, representando su alianza estratégica en soluciones de virtualización y cloud.

Virtual Cable, a leading Spanish manufacturer of workplace virtualization solutions, announces its strategic alliance with OVHcloud, a global cloud provider and European leader. This partnership offers an open and interoperable digital workplace model. The combination of OVHcloud with Virtual Cable’s UDS Enterprise allows for the easy construction of complex VDI architectures, and maximizes the advantages of cloud, hybrid cloud, or multicloud implementations.

Strategic alliance between Virtual Cable and OVHcloud

The numerous commonalities between their solutions have fostered the alliance between Virtual Cable and OVHcloud. Both companies share a vision focused on offering customers the freedom to build digital workplace environments tailored to their needs, thanks to the open nature of their solutions, which stand out for their high security, flexibility, customization options, and interoperability with any technology. Another joint focus is the predictability, transparency, and competitiveness in pricing to bring innovative, high-performance technologies to all types of companies.

Additionally, both OVHcloud and Virtual Cable adhere to the highest standards of data security, protection, and sovereignty. Lastly, both organizations share a commitment to sustainability and reducing environmental impact, and are aligned in creating an ecosystem of manufacturers and partners that deliver value and quality services to customers.

Commitment to security and sustainability

According to Cristina Ortiz, Partner Program Manager at OVHcloud, “the ecosystem is key for OVHcloud. Our relationship with our partners is primarily based on communication, closeness, and, above all, collaboration. We rely on the channel to add that layer of added value that the customer need, and in Virtual Cable, we have found, in addition to a great human capital to work with as a team, a comprehensive suite of high-quality workplace virtualization solutions that provide great value to our customers. Furthermore, we share several common partners, which fosters more synergies in the ecosystem.”

Fernando Feliu, Executive Managing Director of Virtual Cable, stated: “We are very pleased to reach an agreement with a hyperscaler that has a presence in Spain and other European countries with local zones providing public cloud services. This addresses important customer requirements, such as enjoying lower latency and compliance with European regulations. Thanks to this alliance, we expand the number of cloud providers we work with, offering greater flexibility and choice to partners and clients.”

This alliance opens new opportunities for the channel in the commercialization of UDS Enterprise-based solutions for desktop virtualization, application virtualization, and remote access to physical equipment solutions. With this collaboration, Virtual Cable and OVHcloud enhance their positioning to continue providing complete and flexible solutions that meet current digitization needs, enabling all types of companies to access advanced technologies more easily and efficiently.



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