UDS Enterprise at the IX CIMMEM in Peru

by | Nov 23, 2017

TAGS: Events

On November 15, about 200 Mechatronics Engineering students, university professors, and IT managers from private companies learned how UDS Enterprise VDI connection broker helps overcome obstacles and achieve ICT objectives in the IX International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Mechanics and Mechatronics of Peru (CIIMMEM).

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The organizers of this important academic event, aimed at disseminating, promoting and applying current technology in different fields of engineering, selected UDS Enterprise as the most suitable VDI software to illustrate current trends and new possibilities for Desktop and Application Virtualization.

The Engineer Carlos Barrientos, our Certified Territory Manager in Peru, was in charge of giving a presentation on virtual desktops and applications with UDS Enterprise. In addition, Barrientos was assisted remotely from Spain by Daniel Riballo, the Sales Director of VirtualCable, who introduced UDS Enterprise. Actually, UDS Enterprise is a VDI connection broker supported and developed by VirtualCable.

Attendees could also see the operation of a VDI platform through UDS Enterprise since a live technical demonstration was introduced to show all the possibilities offered by this VDI for users and IT administrators.

The event was held from November 15 to 18 at the Professional School of Mechanical, Mechanical-Electrical and Mechatronic Engineering attached to the Faculty of Physical and Formal Sciences and Engineering of the Catholic University of Santa María de Arequipa (Peru).



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