UDS in the National Congress of Innovation and Public Services

by | Mar 3, 2020

This week marks the X edition of the National Congress of Innovation and Public Services (CNIS), a reference event for those interested and responsible for innovation in the administration of public administrations and services. Desktop and application virtualization is a key technology in the process of modernization and transformation of public organizations of all kinds. Therefore, UDS Enterprise will be present at this event.

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From the hand of Everycode, inSuit developer, our Official Distributor Tech2Business (T2B) may offer some highlights of how our VDI and vApp connection broker can take electronic administration and digital public services to the next level. With UDS Enterprise, these organizations become closer and more accessible administrations.

On the one hand, it allows employees to use all the tools they need to perform their daily work at any time, from any location and device. Among many other advantages, it simplifies to the maximum the work of the IT team, who can centrally perform all the management and maintenance of the software installed in all the workstantions. With this solution, these professionals considerably improve their efficiency while achieving significant cost savings.

In addition, it facilitates the implementation and subsequent management of electronic administration, so that citizens also benefit from the adoption of this technology, obtaining a 24/7 service without downtime and a complete flexibility in accessing public services and performing administrative procedures.

All those interested in knowing the advantages of implementing desktop and application virtualization with UDS Enterprise will be able to visit the Everycode booth at CNIS, where Tech2Business will dig deeper into the solution.

inSuit: web accessibility and usability without barriers for people with disabilities

Everycode will present its universal web accessibility platform inSuit at CNIS 2020, which serves more than 100 public sector clients in Spain. This platform, awarded the Queen Letizia Award for Accessibility Technologies, has added only in the last year more than 1.6 million users. Thanks to this software, people with any type of disability can surf without problems through the different portals that have this interesting tool.

inSuit is fully aligned with the EVITA project with UDS Enterprise developed by the University of Murcia. The Virtual Desktops for Special Education makes the training of people with disabilities or learning difficulties much more easy. Each student can customize his virtual desktop according to his particular needs, save their preferences and access it whenever they need, from anywhere and using any device. All this is possible thanks to the versatility of the VDI and vApp connection broker. UDS Enterprise is the solution through which virtual desktops are managed, deployed and provided. Once inside, they can access the pages that have inSuit integrated to enjoy full accessibility and web usability without barriers.

The EVITA Project has a short year of life and its innovation has already been recognized: it is one of the finalists of the @asLAN Awards 2020, which recognize the best success stories of Digital Transformation in Public Administrations and Organizations. This initiative is eligible for the award in the category “Bridging the digital divide and sustainability”.

If you want to know more about inSuit, UDS Enterprise and the EVITA Project, go to the Everycode booth at CNIS 2020 on March 3rd and 4th at La Nave (Madrid).

To learn in a practical way all the possibilities of inSuit, do not miss the workshop taught by Juan Antonio Cebollada, co-founder of inSuit: “How to make a public portal accessible quickly and in a simple way with inSuit. It will be today March 3rd in Workshop Room 1 at 1:45 PM.

Check our Case Studies and discover how many public bodies have undertaken their digital transformation processes with our UDS Enterprise VDI broker.



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