University of Cantabria

University of Cantabria

Francisco Javier Crespo Martínez, Head of the User Support and Technology Department: “Many students had been left without access to applications because their computers were old. Thanks to UDS Enterprise they can now gain access through HTML5”.
University of Cadiz

University of Cadiz

Abelardo Belaustegui, Central Systems and Infrastructures Coordinator of the Information Technology Department: “VDI is a revolutionary concept and UDS Enterprise provides extreme simplicity and savings on resources”
University of Almeria

University of Almeria

Emilia Quereda Escoriza, Head of the Teaching Support Area – Information and Communication Technologies Service: “Thanks to UDS Enterprise our students can remotely access the computers in the computer rooms where the licensed software is...
Catholic University of Louvain

Catholic University of Louvain

Frédéric Malengreau, Head of the Support Department: “We found the flexibility of UDS Enterprise useful, and we were amazed by the efficiency of the support team when requesting improvements or updates”