The project for admin staff with UDS Education, UC3M Excellence Award

by | Jun 19, 2024

The 2024 Excellence Awards presented by the Social Council of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) have granted the first prize in the PAS category to the project with UDS Education: Optimization of Budget Management with Virtual Desktops for Access to UXXI Económico.
Image of UC3M Social Council 2024 Awards ceremony. Logos of Virtual Cable and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

UC3M wins 2024 Excellence Award for innovative budget management with UDS Education

The UDS Education solution was recently awarded at the 2024 Excellence Awards by the Social Council of University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M). This award recognizes the excellence of the work carried out by members of the different communities within UC3M. Among them, the technical, management, and administration and services staff are highlighted, an area where projects that have contributed to improving excellence, transversality, innovation, and quality of the educational center are rewarded. In this category, the recognition was awarded to the project “Optimization of Budget Management with Virtual Desktops for Access to UXXI Económico,” developed with the UDS Education solution from Virtual Cable.

Based on the optimal experience with this digital workplace solution, the IT department of UC3M has applied the knowledge accumulated over more than ten years with its virtual classrooms to create the first specialized and optimized virtual desktop service for employees. Specifically, they have managed to improve and simplify access to their budget management application, used in all areas and services of the educational center, with the aim of allowing staff to access the financial ERP 24/7, from anywhere and any device.


Virtual desktops improve the efficiency and security of UC3M’s budget management

The IT and Communications Service and the Economic and Financial Management Directorate sought a solution to overcome the challenges associated with using this application. These challenges included high consumption of time and resources, manual installation on each computer, constant updates and configurations, as well as security and system stability risks. Thanks to their experience with the UDS Education VDI solution, they detected that the implementation of virtual desktops was the most efficient and straightforward way to access and manage this application. A strategy that has proven to be successful, efficient, and modern, marking a milestone in the accessibility of the UXXI-ECONÓMICO application.

Users have experienced a smooth and agile transition. The simplicity of use has significantly reduced the number of reported issues. As an added value, they now enjoy greater work flexibility, as they can perform budget management tasks securely at any time, from anywhere, and using any device.

Among the key benefits for the IT department and the University itself are the total control over the configuration, security, and maintenance of the infrastructure, ensuring compatibility with existing systems. This is complemented by resource savings, as virtual desktops are created and destroyed dynamically according to demand, and improved security, as each session starts with a predefined initial state, strengthening system integrity. Additionally, IT management has been simplified, shifting from periodic manual configurations on each computer to centralized and automatic administration of all workplaces through a single console accessible via a web browser.

The UDS Education VDI solution has boosted operational efficiency and reduced the administrative burden on technical staff. It has proven to be an effective solution that has improved the user experience, who can now access quickly and securely from any location. In the words of José Luis Hernández, Digitalization Support Advisor at UC3M, their intention is “to continue advancing in the use of the solution more comprehensively, for both students and employees.”

University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M) has trusted the solution developed by Virtual Cable, a leading Spanish manufacturer of workplace virtualization solutions, for over a decade. UDS Education has been fundamental in offering quality education and greater flexibility to teachers. Now, administrative and services staff also enjoys the benefits of this renowned solution.

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