UDS Enterprise at OpenExpo 2017

by | Jun 28, 2017

OpenExpo 2017, the most important Open and Free Technology Fair and Congress in Spain, was attended by UDS Enterprise connection broker VDI. Our Authorized Partner Quer System was one of the exhibitors of the event, where he revealed all the details of our software, which is based on Open Source technology.

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Quer System participated in this fair with a stand in which UDS Enterprise was the main hero. Every interested person had the opportunity to see how our software works through a demo that shows all the features of the software, both for IT administrators and virtual desktop, applications and other remote desktop services users.

The unprecedented flexibility and security guaranteed by UDS Enterprise, thanks to the simultaneous compatibility of virtually all hypervisors, authenticators and connection protocols in the market, was undoubtedly one of the characteristics that most attracted the attention of all the visitors who passed through the stand Of Quer System.

Also, being able to deploy a 100% Open Source VDI infrastructure with UDS Enterprise as well as an Open Source hypervisor such as oVirt or OpenNebula, without ignoring the possibility to customize the platform and incorporate new modules or functionalities, were other advantages of our desktop virtualization software that aroused interest in this event.

This fourth edition of the congress registered 3,222 professional visitors formed by 42% CIOs, CEOs or IT Consultants. They all had the opportunity to learn all the details about UDS Enterprise and request a free version of our software.



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