Virtual Cable Achievements
• Millions of users from more than a hundred clients have trusted UDS Enterprise.
• The company has succeeded in creating a rich ecosystem of about one hundred business partners .
• In 2015, the Spanish academic and research network, RedIRIS, chose UDS Enterprise as the best VDI solution on the market.
• Virtual Cable has received three awards for Excellence in Business Management from Informa D&B and El Economista.
• Virtual Cable maintains more than twenty technology alliances with the main industry manufacturers, including VMware, Citrix, Microsoft, Red Hat, Nutanix…

Refreshed image and international expansion
To face its next decade, the company has modernized its image under the slogan #WemakeVDIhappen. This motto reflects the ability of its solution to help customers, regardless of their size, sector, or specific requirements, to have remote access to the tools they need to work.
This update of their corporate image will be carried out during the remaining months of this year to be one more level of support in their internationalization project. Although the company is already present in more than one hundred countries around the world, which account for around 20% of its turnover, the objective now is the consolidation of its operations in international markets such as Europe and North America . The goal is to grow its global revenues and promote expansion to other markets.
All these years of experience have consolidated UDS Enterprise as one of the most important VDI and vApp solutions on the market in Spain. The company is currently working on the new version of its solution, UDS Enterprise 3.5, which will be released in the first quarter of 2022.