Virtual Cable sponsors OpenNebulaConf 2018

by | Nov 4, 2018

The company VirtualCable is the first Silver sponsor of OpenNebulaConf 2018. This event, which will be held in Amsterdam on November 12 and 13, has become a meeting point to share ideas, experiences and best practices with the Open Source platform for cloud administration, OpenNebula.

Infografía 10 años revolucionando el futuro Virtual Cable

VirtualCable wanted to be present at this technological event as it is the company that develops UDS Enterprise, the only VDI connection broker certified OpenNebula Ready and capable of publishing virtual desktops on this cloud orchestrator.

The pairing of UDS Enterprise and OpenNebula allows companies of any size and field to deploy a secure, high-performance desktop virtualization solution.

UDS Enterprise customers value this joint solution in a very positive way, since it allows them to manage hundreds of thousands of VDI users in a very simple and efficient way, achieving significant savings of both human and technical resources. This is the case of the Université Catholique de Louvain which, as indicated in this Case Study, recommends without any doubt the use of UDS Enterprise with OpenNebula.



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